The so-called Ratepayer Representatives, Josie Fuller and Patti Flunker, have been busy again at the Public Utility Commission impugning and demeaning current and past Members of the Board of Directors for the Windermere Oaks Water Supply Corporation.
In so doing, they extend the Big Con of the Con Man himself, which should not be a surprise since Ms. Flunker is the Con Man’s spouse, joining him in the never-ending trafficking in the ruination of reputations and falsifications about our community’s water company.
Their Con continues with a November 12 filing where Ms. Flunker asked the PUC to impose even more oversight on WOWSC and also to refer the company for State Auditor Review and to the Texas Attorney General.
“Their” entire letter is here but we know from the Con Man himself that it was hastily cobbled together by his spouse, Patti, and signed by all their neighborhood marks, the bamboozled. Ms. Fuller signed the Letter as an author, but the Con Man gives cred only to his ConSpouse.
Thus the Con continues at the Public Utility Commission.
To warn the Public Utility Commission about the Con, I submitted two letters which respond to two specific paragraphs in the ConSpouse’s letter.
Letter 1 — The LCRA Showcase Project
My first letter addresses the ConSpouse asking the PUC to ask the State Auditor to investigate the corporation’s use of a grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority in 2020 and 2021. She contended the money was not used for a clarifier, as was stated by the company. She’s right, and wrong. The money was not used for the clarifier project, but it was never, ever stated by the company that it would be. No one ever stated that the money would be used for a clarifier. Never ever. And there is clear public record of that fact, as my letter pointed out.
The LCRA grant application was, from the beginning in 2019, for conservation measures. The former water company manager used the LCRA grant, with matching money from WOWSC, to put equipment in place so as to use untreated water in backwashing processes. The projects have saved hundreds of thousand of gallons of water to-date, and will continue to do so, ad infinitum. It also has saved tens of thousands of dollars.
Too much information, I’m sure, but all that conservation effort was spelled out in the application and subsequently vetted by the LCRA itself through reports sent them by the WOWSC manager.
I pointed out to the PUC that the WOWSC project was so successful that the LCRA’s own manager complimented the Windermere Oaks Water Supply Corporation manager on achieving “showcase” results in conservation. He independently verified the WOWSC results. Watch the pertinent part of the video here
Back to the point: The LCRA grant was fully litigated in the Ratepayer Representatives appeal of the 2020 rate increase (PUC Docket 50788). All the documents were shared in response to requests by PUC Staff and the Ratepayer Representatives. My letter to the PUC describes all those instances.
And my letter to the PUC showed all the instances when the WOWSC Board in 2020, 2021 and 2021, in public meetings, discussed those results. The minutes aptly show those instances. (This was back when the Board produced timely minutes instead of as now simply posting videos that it claims suffices as minutes. Ah, the good ole days…)
So it’s important to ask four questions about the ConSpouse’s representation to the Public Utility Commission:
1. Were the Ratepayer Representatives ever actually paying attention to those filings during their own 50788 rate appeal?
2. Were the Ratepayer Representatives, who attended public meetings of the WOWSC during those years, paying attention?
3. Are the Ratepayer Representatives ginning up false accusations now because the answer to questions 1 and 2 is “No”?
4. Assuming the answer to 1 and 2 is “Yes,” are the Ratepayer Representatives now bearing false witness against current and former WOWSC Board members so as to instigate official investigation ?
Evaluating the ConSpouse’s misrepresentation to the PUC
My contention is that 4 is the correct answer.
The ConSpouse is more interested in continuing the Big Con, misrepresenting and mischaracterizing events so as to create smoke where there is no fire, impugning and demeaning people, and insulting the intelligence of their bamboozled marks, which now includes the PUC.
That is the essence of a Confidence Game: look at the hand that is moving, not the one that is picking your pocket. The ConMan and ConSpouse are good at their never-ending con.
Letter 2 — The WOWSC’s Sale of Land in 2024
My second recent letter to the PUC also took issue with the ConSpouse’s representation of events regarding the WOWSC’s sale of 6 acres of land.
The abbreviated version of my letter is this: the ConSpouse says no one knows about certain details of the sale and that the Board is being hostile toward members.
My letter points out how the ConSpouse could have stayed on the Board past her one meeting in March 2024 and constructively collaborated with the company as part of the Real Estate Committee.
Instead she had quit at the end of the one and only meeting where she had been officialy appointed to the Board in March 2024.
Then in June 2024 she unilaterally resurrected the Committee without Board authorization and scuttled a deal that was in the works for one million dollars.
That’s $1,000,000 lost due to the ConSpouse.
That’s not my take on the matter. A current Board member, most likely Jeff Walker, sent a letter to the ConMan and one of his ConBuddies with a string of emails about the situation. The ConMan included the letter on his own website, which is where I got it.
And I included that in my Letter to the Public Utility Commission.
Of course I could go on and on here, and I will have more to say about the ConSpouse letter to the Commission.
The point is simply that the Big Con knows no boundaries and there will never be an end to it.
The Con Man, the ConSpouse and his ConBuddies have too much fun demeaning people and keeping the bamboozled fuzzed up with their confusions and false witness.
ConMan’s NextDoor Post about Spouse Writing Letter to PUC