Here’s a sentence from the Judge’s final ruling: “…the court finds that good cause exists for the entry of this Protective Order governing the use of deposition videos in this case…These postings have led to the Director Defendants being harassed and even threatened with bodily harm.”
Please take a moment to download and read why the volunteer members of the Windermere water company Board sought protection from cyber-bullying and threats of bodily harm.
Directors Reply to Plaintiffs Response against a protective order (10156 downloads )The plaintiffs tried to deny the current and former directors protection from threats and cyber-bullying.
Ultimately, the Judge sided with the water company’s current and former directors, ordering the plaintiffs to move full deposition videos to a private hosting site for water company members. It is what the directors wanted!
You can see the ENTIRE order by the court here . A previous image posted by another person on NextDoor failed to show the first page of the Judge’s order:
Judge's Signed Protective Order for Defendant Directors (2832 downloads )